Sip of the Month: Elevensies
Stranger Things is back! If you haven't binge watched the second season yet, don't worry, this Sip of the Month is spoiler free. I wanted to share an Eleven inspired tea blend I concocted last year for Fantastic! Magazine, another fandom blend for your drinking pleasure - I call it "Eleven-sies"
Photo by Perri B. B. of Fantastic Magazine
Start your tea journey at the local super-market. You'll need Lipton tea bags (or whatever regular black tea you prefer), a jar of strawberry jam, and stroopwafels (you'll find these in the international food section). Try not to go overboard, don't break the door down, and make sure you pay the nice people at the counter before you leave.
Clip from Stranger Things Season 1
Lipton tea is what we drank when I was a kid. I chose instant tea bags for the base, because they're quick and easy - like eggo waffles. I thought black tea was appropriate as El is kind of a dark character. I'm reminded of the pitch black state Eleven goes into when she's communicating via Sensory Deprivation. To make the tea, just heat the water and leave the bag in - you can let it get as black as you like - the darker the better I think.
Clip from Stranger Things Season 1
Speaking of Sensory Deprivation - remember when Eleven was listening in on the Russian spy? And she accidentally tapped into a monster from the Upsidedown??? It reminded me of the Russian tea tradition of adding a spoonful of jam to your tea (rather than honey or sugar). The jam adds a tartness, and smooths out any bitterness in the black tea. I chose strawberry jam in particular for this drink, because it looks like Elevens signature nosebleed.
And of course, you can't have an Eleven inspired tea without waffles. Stroopwafels are a perfect compliment to this tea; they require absolutely no preparation, the syrup & waffle are already married in one perfect wafer, and they hold up very well to dipping. They're usually available in two sizes, the regular is proportionate to an Eggo Waffle, and the mini's are a bit larger than an oreo cookie.
Eleven-sies may sound a little strange, but that's the magic of it. It's a drink anyone could make - even a psychic runaway preteen. You'll be surprised how addictive this comfort food can be. You'll have to "roll a will save" -as my brilliant friend, Savanna, put it- not to have another cup ;)
awesome meme by Savanna Mayer